Ottoman Cherry Amber Tesbih
Ottoman Cherry Amber Tesbih
Golden Cherry Amber Tesbih Misbah, Made by Master Abdul Matin
A Carved Baltic Amber Rosary
A selection of Baltic amber objects and Tesbih
Mid 20th Century Amber Prayer Bead
Mid 20th Century Amber Prayer Bead
Mid 20th Century Amber Prayer Bead
Mid 20th Century Amber Prayer Bead
Mid 20th Century German Amber Prayer Bead with a selection of German amber materials
Late 19th Century Early 20th Century Cherry Amber Misbah with a ottoman smoking pipe
Late 19th Century Early 20th Century Cherry Amber Tesbih with a ottoman nargila pipe
Very Rare Green Golden Cherry Amber Tesbih
Very Rare Green Golden Cherry Amber Tesbih
Black Cherry Amber Made by Master Mustafa Unver
Collection of Tesbihs
Collection of Amber Masabeeh
3 German Amber Tesbih Imames / Shahids
Ottoman Cherry Amber and Batlic Amber Prayer Beads
Old and New Tesbihs Made From – Baltic Amber, German Amber, Cherry Amber “Faturan”, Catalin, Bakelite, Mistika, Turtle Shell, Rhino Horn
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Cherry Amber
